About us

The Caspian Research Institute (CASPRI) stands as a distinguished non-profit think tank duly registered within the confines of the state of New York. Esteemed for its commitment to scholarly endeavors, CASPRI’s primary focus resides in the meticulous examination of the expansive Greater Caspian region, marked by its rigorous dedication to the provision of comprehensive policy analyses and empirically grounded research initiatives.

Central to the institutional ethos of CASPRI is the noble pursuit of heightening awareness surrounding the intricate tapestry of the Greater Caspian region, a pivotal geographical expanse encompassing multifarious nations and interwoven interests. In consonance with its overarching objectives, CASPRI has adeptly positioned itself as a vanguard of erudition, orchestrating a platform wherein luminaries and experts hailing from the region are afforded a commendable opportunity to showcase their perspicacious analyses and pioneering research endeavors to a discerning global audience.

The paramount undertaking of CASPRI finds resonance in its resolute mission, which reverberates through the annals of academic discourse. Through judiciously curated research initiatives and meticulously formulated policy analyses, CASPRI aspires to engender a heightened cognitive engagement among diverse strata of society, thereby facilitating a nuanced comprehension of the multifaceted socio-political, economic, and environmental dynamics that beset the Greater Caspian region. In consonance with the tenets of academic rigor and intellectual excellence, CASPRI’s pursuits transcend mere information dissemination, encompassing a concerted endeavor to foster an ecosystem conducive to constructive dialogue, policy refinement, and sustainable development within the purview of the Greater Caspian region.

This confluence of academic enterprise and public outreach aptly situates CASPRI within the vanguard of think tanks, where erudition converges with societal impact. By fostering a symbiotic relationship between regional experts and the global intellectual community, CASPRI not only fortifies the foundations of scholarly inquiry but also navigates the trajectory toward an enriched and informed discourse concerning the multifarious dynamics that shape the destiny of the Greater Caspian region.